Wednesday, May 19, 2010


When you think about "living" what comes to mind? Health? Your lifestyle? Worship? I immediately think of all three. When we are connected in mind, body & soul we truly feel what it means to LIVE!!! Sometimes we tend to become so comfortable with our lives that we forget what it is to live. If our hearts are not feeling joy it's probably because we're blocking one of its three lifelines.

A year ago I was on life need of a triple bypass! I stopped going to the gym...but continued my quest to find pizza just like I had experienced in Italy! My lifestyle came to a screeching halt and I felt overwhelmed having to make so many changes so quickly. I was also not being fed spiritually in some areas...I wanted the Rock-n-Roll worship with the deeper message, but could never seem to get them simultaneously. It was time for a change. Thankfully I am not afraid of change; I believe in the Nike theory...Just Do It!!! Change is liberating, adventure! When one door closes another one opens, we just have to muster the courage to walk through it, not only glance in as we pass it by.

In the year since I began that uphill climb I have finally reached the top...I am LIVING again!!! I'm back in the gym 5 days a week...a harsh reality that after 40 you don't just whip right back into shape anymore...but I plug away with the mindset that my heart and sanity are more important than a bikini (well, I'm still convincing myself of this)! I now see my lifestyle change as a blessing and the things that are truly important have come back into focus. Most importantly, I'm experiencing the rockin' worship and thought provoking message together again...and I am on fire!!!

I am certainly nowhere near perfect, I still have my good and bad days. Maybe the most important lesson I've learned is there is no such thing as'll just kill yourself trying to achieve it! Balance is the ultimate goal. Live with an open mind, Love with all your heart & Laugh daily, deep down in your soul!


  1. Ami. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing, for inspiring and for you God loving heart. I love you.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Beautifully written Ami! I feel much better now that I am straight on the triple bypass being a metaphor (I confuse easily!) HAHA

    Note to self: Make sure I am well-groomed before bumping into Chris at church so she doesn't know I likely just left Wal-Mart HAHA
